The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the Intentional Maritime Organization
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a maritime nation with a rich connection to the sea and shipping industry.
Saudi Arabia has been an IMO Member State for over 50 years joining in 1969.
In 2021, Saudi Arabia was elected as a Council Member and seeks re-election to continue to champion expanding cooperation, addressing climate challenges, and promoting the safety and wellbeing of seafarers.
The Kingdom has permanent representation at the IMO through its appointed to representative who leads delegations and facilitates bilateral engagement on all areas relative to the organisation.

Active & Engaged
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia actively participates in all IMO Meetings, Sub-Committees, and Intercessional Working Groups. The Kingdom sends delegations to each meeting that includes experts from over 28 entities in the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia has ratified 40 of the IMO protocols and Amendments and actively works to expand areas of cooperation with IMO Member States and the organization.
Saudi Arabia's Representative to the IMO
Ms. Hayat bint Abdulaziz Al-Yabis is a highly experienced diplomat and respected leader in the region. She is dedicated to fostering cooperation between Saudi Arabia and other IMO Member States through collaboration and understanding. In her role she expands the development of international maritime policies, regulations, and guidelines while actively working to promote maritime safety and security.
Ms. Al-Yabis previously worked in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (Secretariat-General) enhancing the strategic dialogue and Partnerships between the GCC and other countries and organizations. She has extensive experience working in Ministry of Economy and Planning in International Economic Affairs expanding bilateral relationships for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia current appointed Representative is, Ms. Hayat bint Abdulaziz Al-Yabis, Alternate Permanent Representative.
Ms. Al-Yabis is the first female appointed to represent the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is one of the first from the region.
Hayat graduated from King Saud University Riyadh and holds an MBA from Al Faisal University.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was the 14th IMO Member State of 175 to accept the 2021 IMO Amendments.
The Amendments, once passed will:
Expand Council Membership from 40 Members to 52
Recognise 3 additional Language Texts Including Arabic as Authentic Versions of the Convention
Extend the Council Membership Term from 2 Years to 4 Years
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to upholding the highest standards of maritime safety and security, as well as environmental protection. We are proud to be represented at the IMO meetings by experts from vast areas of expertise in various fields. Our delegates are highly knowledgeable and dedicated to the cause of international maritime safety and security, and protection of the marine environment.
Delegation Participation
Examples of some entity engagement are:
Transport General Authority
Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Energy
National Maritime Academy
Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority
International Maritime Industries

Visiting Delegations from The Kingdom for IMO Meetings
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